Spring Break for the kids so we're all taking a much needed vacation to Phuket (prounouced poo-ket).
Julie may need it more than the rest of us because in the last month, she has been to Europe twice, India once and I think there was a trip to Beijing in there somewhere. When we get back from Thailand, she's headed to Greensboro. We're all looking forward to spending an entire week with her around.
Syd and Alex are hitting the books pretty hard in school. Sydney has been working hard on her ballet since her recital is right around the corner. She has been able to get away with not wearing any tights to practice, though. It seems she came down with a case of two left feet. One week she was running down the street at school and took a nose dive. Both hands, both elbows, both knees and one hip all got scraped until they bled. Within a week, she took another dive and scraped one of her knees again. She's been able to stay upright for about a week now so maybe the spell has been broken.
Alex has been running track for the team with an occasional club race in the mix. School races are only 1500. He's been winning handily but that is certainly not his race. The week of April 10, he gets to compete in the APAC Conference championship. It just so happens to be in Beijing this year. Color me jealous.
New helper has been hired but she won't start for another couple of weeks.
I've got a few photos to upload so check back soon.